“every single thing that has happened in your life is preparing you for a moment yet to come”
-the starfire codes, 8.28.24
deer miss codes, i usta think every moment of my life had led (me) to the (very) moment i was in (and there was some kinda (incontrovertible) (?) logic to that) (i usta think) and that (inevitably) led me to the conclusion (that) everything that had ever happened ever had led (me) (us) to the (very) moment i was in the (very) moment we’re (all) frickin in (and, i know, fer some folks that (particular) logic would be a source of great consternation (if not despondency) and some (other) folks would get all giddy about it) (they (just) would) (which (just) goes ta show ya something or another, but what that something is i caint (really) say) (with any suitable degree of confidence) (do statistical negatives exist ? i caint remember (exactly) how (statistical) degrees of confidence (actually) works) and now (sometimes) i like ta think that the past and the future are (actually) shuffled like a deck of cards like sometimes the future happens in some distant past (or) plentya times the past happens way on up in some unknowable future like when ya turn the next card over yer not (really) sure if its the passed or the future yer lookin at and (sometimes) i like ta think the past and the future are (pretty much) always happening all the time either as some sorta relay baton or as (some) discrete moment(s) happening perpetually in time without a baton at all i mean, nothing being passed from one moment to a next from this moment to this moment like that but enough about how time works or doesnt work the word im (particularly) int’rested in from yer statement is “preparing” ya see, for someone who has felt magnificently (catastrophically) unprepared for (most) any/every moment of his (her) life (lives)... it struck me over the head (like a frying pan) (in a cartoon) what if i’ve always been wrong about every thing ?! what if i have always been prepared for (all) this shit ?! -hunh- anyway(s) i doubt thats the case in fact, it seems (incredibly) unlikely but (i must admit) i (really) dont know caint say for sure but, i will say that (technically) (from one way of looking) pretty much every thing ive ever done as a buddhist has (supposedly) been preparing me for (my) death (amongst others) and truthfully (from one way of looking) i hope i have another twenty or twenty five yeers of (good) practice left in me because ive seen these modern deaths and what modern medicine does to you (to us) and im (more than) a little sceered of what might be coming for me (for us) all the deaths ive seen have left the dying (more or less) incapable of the kind of death(s) im wishing to have until this earth becomes unlivable for everyone who is left (which may not be all that long from now *looks around, suspiciously) may be then i can be reborn in some pure(r) land (whaire folks aint assholes no more) may be then i’ll open my eyes in some place ive (n)ever been and be pleasantly surprised for once (again) i sure would like ta know but, (im guessin) that aint gonna happen yores (kinda) truly, padraig seamus gilkey, confused gadabout ps if every moment of our lives is preparing us for our deaths... then what are our deaths preparing us for ? just wondering unsure (as always) mwah! pps ya ever tried ta hand off a baton in a relay ? (that) shit aint easy. for real... ppps i meant ta say thank you for being so consistently provocative thats some good work yer doing thaire miss codes eight twainty eight tweenty four (by some ways of reckoning)
******* buy me (some) time to ponder
Ah yes, the never ending circles, cycles… all leading to the moment of death, and then what? What if you mess it up … that moment of ending, what if you are distracted.. and miss the opportunity to become an enlightened bodhisattva! What if you are already an enlightened bodhisattva but you just don’t know it! What if, thanks to poets and tinkers like you sending reminders such as this… that you could enjoy the joke of life and death, and just be in the bliss of THIS moment…before it clicks over to the next.
11.16 am here in Oz, on a glorious spring day, the blossom is blossoming! All is well!
Haha, yes I think we will…