Article voiceover
*to (all) tha peepholes who woulda (mighta) loved me (if thay didnt know nothing about me) sorry. (of course) things (just) got fucked up (idnt that how shit happens) (?) id like ta say it was (probly) (all) tha acid or (may be) tha yeers of cocaine but that was (all) yeers ago (is it (still) in my brain) ? i like ta tell my self how lucky (!) i was not ta have (any) (real) trauma in prison all those yeers a few slaps a few (public) undressings peepholes looking in yer asshole (with a flash light) to see what was (not) thaire... some loneliness (is all) that can (really) be called (my) trauma (but) who dudnt get that in this unforgetting whirled ? (even) in this free(r) whorled ? (if thaire (actually) is such a thing) (as a free world) ******** if nothing else i can (still) love my dogs my cats my children my friends my contacts some peeple i saw on tv on screens in picture books peepholes i saw in wirds i read on pages (and screens) ******** i can go to tha museum(s) and see (all) them peepholes that (dont) exist looking at things that (dont) exist and i can tell (my self) i love them (both the dead and those lookin’) (and) i can stand thaire (in my museum frisson) (prison) (prism) and pretend i aint crying from loneliness (and) from wishing for things that (just) arent (in (my) prisson) like a idiot who doesnt understand what he sees ******** and yall dont tell me yer sorry fer what (all) i been threw (i did (that shit) to my self) (and) i dont want ya ta (be) sorry i wantcha ta be some thing i never been (or else) (all) this has been for nothing (if ya know what i mean) ******** hold on...! (!) i think i hear some one coming ! i think it (might) be my jailer i might have a visitor (!) or this (might) (even) be tha day tha key turns in tha lock and i let my self out (and) walk free ******** id (really) like ta say (ta tell my self) (that) (even) at my worst thaire was (always) some thing thaire tryin(t)a be true tryin(t)a be good tryin(t)a be better than i had (ever) been (ever) (and) then i like ta (try) (ta pretend) ta forgive my self (cause (i found) pretending is better than not pretending) (at all) when tha lock turns
yes yes yes ✨✨
A wonderfull, painful poem that explores the mind and imagination of a person who has seen life's dark sides and its happier sides. I love that the person in the poem frees himself via his mind, imagination and the magic lockkey of books.